Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

XMoneta [ ICO ]

Xmoneta - Join a new world with us

Projeye's Overview
An ethereal-based app lets you do this:

1. Communicate with your friends
2. Buy goods and books
3. To save your money in a secure wallet
4.Trading on our market platform
5. Do not set up your own business


Our goal is to create a user friendly, convenient and secure platform for communications, commerce, advertising and procurement. Our new app is based on Blockchain technology and gives users the opportunity to chat, send messages, order goods and buy items.

You do not have to worry about your privacy. Xmoneta keeps all messages encrypted for third parties. The same applies to fund transactions. We offer opportunities for safe trading. You can participate in Xmoneta's financial process, feel safe and secure, and sell and buy crypto currency and manage your money.


Our goal is for one wallet so all tokens to access even sağlamak.cüzd you you both traditional money and digital saklayabilirsiniz.t money when you olucaklar.iste integrated directly into Blockcha market new token purse stock yatırabilicek without having to download different applications for every digital currency, VISA / MASTERCARD is aktarabilicek money or you can withdraw your money.


Xmoneta ile markette kolay ve rahatca alışveriş yapabiliceksiniz.Tüm e-alışveriş mallarına kategoriler halinde ulaşabilicek ve Xmoneta cüzdanınızla kolayca ödeme yapabiliceksiniz.


Xmoneta, şirketler, satıcılar, bloggerlar, ünlüler ve kuruluşlar için mükemmel bir platformdur.Projenizi tanıtmak, başlangıç ​​yapmak, yeni aboneler aramak ve çekmek, Xmoneta'dan projenize, şirket web sayfanıza kullanıcıları yönlendirmek için işletme hesabını kullanabilirsiniz.


Her Xmoneta kullanıcısı, banka hesaplarını (IBAN, banka kartları vb.) Kullanabilir, döviz işlemlerinizi gerçekleştirebilir ve onlarla ödeme yapabilirsiniz. Bankamız, geleneksel fiat para birimlerini Bitcoin, DASH, NEM, ERC20 vb. gibi kriptoları desteklemektedir. Ödemeler ve transferlerin yanı sıra, Xmoneta banka ortaklarına birden fazla yatırım hizmeti de sunmaktadır. Farklı kurumsal projeler için fonlara ihtiyacınız varsa, size yardımcı olmaktan memnuniyet duyarız! Xmoneta Bank, tüm modern bankacılık ve Internet-of-things teknolojilerini kullanmaktadır.


Kendi paramız olan XMN'yi üretiyoruz.XMN topluluk üyeleri tarafından her türlü işlemler için kullanılan merkezsiz bir kripto paradır.VISA / MASTERCARD uygulamamız tarafından desteklendiği için sanal ve plastic kartlarla ödeme gerçekleştirebilirsiniz


Sosyal medyadaki günlük activiteniz size para kazandırabileceğini düşünün.İnanılmaz değil mi? Xmoneta ile mümkün! Uygulamamızı kullanarak XMN token ile elde edebilmenizin bir çok yolu var. Örneğin, reklamları izlerken veya videoları izlerken, anketleri doldurduğunuzda ve cihazınıza uygulamalar yüklerken farklı oyunlar oynarken kazanabilirsiniz. Birisini Xmoneta'da oturum açmaya davet ederseniz ve bu kişi token kazanmaya başlarsa, onun paralarının bir bölümün de komisyon olarak alırsınız. Gördüğünüz gibi, sadece arkadaşlarınızla iletişim kurarak para alabilirsiniz.


Sohbet botları, farklı hizmetleri organize etmeye ve kullanıcıya sunmaya yardımcı olur. Xmoneta, dünyanın dört bir yanındaki sıradan kullanıcılar ve girişimciler tarafından kullanılabilecek en kullanıcı dostu ve kolay bot platformunu sunmaktadır. Döviz bozdurma vb. işlemleri yapmak gibi bu tür işlemler gerçekleştirmek için botlara başvurabileceksiniz.


Misyonumuz hem fiat hem de kripto para birimlerini, insanların büyük çoğunluğu için kolay erişilebilir hale getirmenin yanı sıra, dünyanın dört bir yanındaki çok uluslu bağlantıları yaratmaktır. Amacımız, dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen milyolarca kişiyi birleştiren küresel beer özgür platform. Güvenli ve rahat iletişim fırsatı veren beer ecosystem yaratmak istiyoruz.

Evrensel uygulama

Hedefimiz, kullanıcılara iletişimle birlikte birden fazla şey yapma fırsatı veren evrensel bir uygulama yaratmaktır. Xmoneta ile arkadaşlarınızla konuşmak, e-mağazalarda farklı şeyler satın almak, müzik dinlemek, karapak okapak, yemek sipariş etmek gibi şeyler yapmak mümkündür. Daha da önemlisi, messenger'ı birden fazla para birimi için cüzdan olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Tüm süreçlerin akıllı sözleşmelere dayandığı tek bir, merkezi olmayan Messenger Bank'da insanların dağıtılan hizmetleri ve ürünleri kullanabileceği, yaratacağı ve regüle ettiği geleceği görüyoruz.


Block zincir dünyasının yeni oyuncuları olarak tanıtılan takımımız dünya basınında da yer bularak uzmanlıklarını kanıtlamış oldular. Yılların tecrübesine sahip deneyimli ve girişimci ekibimizle projemizin başarıyı yakalaması hiçte zor olmayacak.

  • Yeni Dünyaya Bizimle Katıl!
  • Token Sale
  • Bonus up to 50% (Invest more than 15 ET in transaction and get
  • added bonus (additional) + 20%!)

ICO Home :

  • Bonus: 30%
  • Extra Bonus: 50%
  • Stars Date: January 25, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )
  • End Date: February 25, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )

Roundup of ICO - A :

  • Bonus: 20%
  • Bonus Additional: 40%
  • Start Date: March 13, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )
  • End Date: May 8, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )

Round of ICO B :

  • Bonus: 10%
  • Extra Bonus: 30%

For more details ico you can also join to our website address below so much from me and thank you :

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

ATF - Fournit des services de location Robots spécifiquement pour le commerce automatisé Pour la Russie et les États-Unis

Qu'est-ce que ATF

ATF est un nouveau projet global qui fournira des services de location de robots spéciaux pour le trading automatisé pour les marchés boursiers américains et russes ainsi que pour les marchés dérivés, ainsi que pour les paires de devises et les actifs cryptographiques actifs. Pour connecter un robot à sa capitale, vous devez obtenir un jeton qui vous permettra d'échanger votre capital contre tout type d'échange. Le robot fera la transaction et appliquera votre stratégie de trading, mais vous ne devrez pas rester assis des heures devant l'ordinateur, le robot n'exigera pas de nourriture, d'eau, de sommeil de vous, ne risquez pas les facteurs humains? -? La peur, la cupidité, l'apathie, la confiance en soi et ainsi de suite le mal humain naturel, où 95% des commerçants sur le marché perdent leur capital. Chacun de nos robots a un contrôle strict des risques, ainsi qu'un système de gestion du capital à plusieurs niveaux.

21 siècle à la technologie du siècle, le blocus de l'âge et le nouveau développement. Chaque jour, le rythme de la vie augmente plusieurs fois, et nous ne remarquons plus comment les jours passent, et après eux pendant des années. Afin de ne pas nous perdre dans ce rythme de colère, nous avons développé notre système. Imaginez-vous, pendant que vous êtes au repos, nos robots sont impliqués dans vos actifs, augmentant votre revenu, coupant votre relation du département de revenu le plus dur et le plus émotionnel. Vous avez juste besoin de retirer votre revenu tous les mois. Notre robot a apporté des avantages à nos clients, nous avons commencé à produire il y a plus de 6 ans, maintenant nous avons fait des platorm, ce qui aidera tout le monde à gagner de l'argent avec un petit capital.  https://www.atftoken.io/

La caractéristique principale de notre plate-forme est l'orientation innovante de la nouvelle technologie - le blocage, les réseaux de neurones artificiels, les calculs quantiques, les calculs peer2peer.

D'ici 2018, nous prévoyons de réaliser un chiffre d'affaires de 40 millions de dollars dans nos comptes clients, d'ici 2019, de 200 millions de chiffre d'affaires, d'ici 2020, de 400 millions de chiffre d'affaires et d'ici 2021 d'atteindre un redressement à 1 milliard de dollars américains.

Génération de revenu

Vous sélectionnez le service que vous souhaitez utiliser pour accéder à votre service pour acheter le jeton ATF connecté à votre service, qui est maintenu à toutes les étapes du processus de connexion après le service. Une fois activé, le robot se connecte pour commencer à travailler une semaine. un mois dans son compte personnel et Revenu voir cuit.

Si vous souhaitez retirer des revenus, vous retirez ( si vous recevez des revenus du service au robot connecté ) ou votre compte personnel de notre compte à la fin de la période, assurez-vous le développement de la valeur ATF Token ATF traitée par nos clients. être en mesure d'obtenir une réduction pour les jetons ATF sur nos sites Web et les réseaux d'affiliation. Lorsque vous augmentez le capital, vous achetez un jeton ATF dans l'écosystème ATF ou vous continuez à utiliser les services de la bourse.

Prix et remise ATF Token

  • Des annonces supplémentaires seront faites avant le 02/12/2017 jusqu'au 2/08/2018 ITO avant la période ITO.
  • Critères d'achat de jeton ATF
  • Pré-ITO1 ETH = 400 ATF Token dans ITO1E.TH/320 Token ATF

Lorsque vous achetez un jeton de 10 jetons, le rabais supplémentaire suivant pour le montant de l'achat est valable pour la date d'achat :

  • Si vous achetez 10 à 20 ETH, la réduction sera de 4%
  • Si vous achetez 20 à 100 ETH, la réduction sera de 8%.
  • Si vous achetez 100 à 400 ETH, la réduction sera de 16%.
  • Lorsque vous achetez plus de 400 ETH, les remises seront de 32%.
Programme de référence personnel

Si vous avez un participant potentiel à notre ITO qui veut acheter notre jeton, vous devez nous envoyer la clé publique ( numéro de portefeuille ethereum ) à l'adresse referral@atftoken.io ou au télégramme @AlexeyPrivateFund après quoi nous vous enverrons un "Numéro d'Invité" personnel . Vous devez donner ce "numéro d'invitation" aux participants potentiels. Si un de vos participants s'inscrit dans notre zone personnelle (https://www.atftoken.io/account), il remplira le "Inviter le numéro" et la clé publique (numéro ethereum du portefeuille), envoyer l'Ethereal calculé et nous vous l'enverrons 4 % du capital d'investissement une fois dans la semaine la plus proche. Ce paiement sera à Ethereum.

Programme Bounty AlgoTradingFUN

Program Bounty AlgoTradingFUN

Anda harus menjadi pengguna telegram aktif dan Anda harus meninggalkan setidaknya satu pesan per minggu: https://t.me/ATFtokenChat

Vous devez être un utilisateur actif de nos télégrammes de discussion, et vous devez laisser au moins un message par semaine pour notre projet https://t.me/ATFtokenChat_RU

Il y aura un total de 10% de jetons ATF de jetons vendus qui seront alloués pour l'ensemble du programme de primes qui sera réparti comme suit:

  • 30% de campagne sur les médias sociaux (15% Facebook et 15% Twitter)
  • 20% Traduction et modération
  • 20% Blog et médias
  • 30% de campagne de signatures
Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez visiter notre site internet ci-dessous tellement de moi et merci:

Senin, 29 Januari 2018

Image result for cryogene bounty

Nowadays, technology is growing very rapidly and has impacted to various fields of human life including also health field. Progress in health is due to advances in the science of the technology. So many discoveries gained from information technology both in terms of organizing a treatment as well as developing research-research health.

Technological advances in health have grown so rapidly. Technological developments can be seen from the many changes in the system used in hospitals from ancient times to the present. Changes in the field of health through its integration with technology have created a variety of new treatment techniques that had never been thought of before. The technological advances are enormous in the field of health, with technological developments giving rise to the rapid impact of knowledge development that has faster processing capabilities with the latest innovative applications.

With the development of this all-innovative technology then emerged one of the technology in the field of health called CryoGen. Later the CryoGen project is aimed at developing innovative cryonics in Russia and the world.


Fair warning : this review is not an overview of what cryonics is. If you are not familiar with cryonic preservation I suggest you read the Cryobaper Whitepaper along with other reading material on the internet. However, if you are not currently bored while reading, in short, cryonics is a low temperature preservation of people who can not be sustained by contemporary medicine, in the hope that full health resuscitation and restoration can be done. in the future. In other words, cryonics will give those who get their lives cut short by potential disease for a second chance. It will also give people who just want to extend their life choices to potentially do so. Finally, cryonics has the potential to make ultra space travel. The travel time of space is a great challenge for mankind to colonize beyond the Earth.

The purpose of this review is to inform the reader of a cryonics company called Cryo, who wants to utilize crypto to achieve its mission in the following areas :

  • Bring awareness of the cryonics industry.
  • Stimulate and accelerate the funding of cryonics research in many of the required areas such as safe and reliable processes / methods to create a truly safe liquefaction technology.
  • Give everyone a chance to extend their life.

Cryo will distribute the cryptococcal token using the CRYO symbol. The cost of CRYO will be much lower than conventional currency payments. CRYO holders will be able to purchase cryonics services, digitalization services, and science shares for participation in research I am important to note that Cryo realizes that cryo services are currently not cheap. Therefore, Cyro will offer installment plans for customers who can not buy services directly. The full list of services and costs is in the next section.

Introducing What CryoGen

CryoGen is a breakthrough and a new prospect in medicine and cryonics. Later CryoGen will plan to create a modern health care and use the latest technology in the medical world. The project is very promising because CryoGen is under the scientific management of the famous kriomik company KrioRus

The mission of CryoGen that we can know is to give everyone a chance to stay healthy and prolong their life in a forward way. Because the CryoGen project has the goal of one of them to stimulate young people to create useful research in medicine as well. In addition, CryoGen hopes that it will be able to contribute to the future of medicine, pioneer the cryonics industry in Europe, accelerate the development of the most affordable and efficient nanocriptonic technology and provide space anabiosis


CRYO may be settled for the following purchases of goods :

  • Cost : CRYO
  • DNA preservation : 1,000
  • Transport : 3,000-10,000
  • Neuropreservation : 18,000
  • Cryopreservation full body : 36,000
  • Cryopraining animals : 10,000-36,000
  • Standby Service : 50.000-100.000
  • Science stock : TBD

CIRCULATION: Based on the amount of funds collected during the PRA-ICO and ICO stages.
TOTAL CIRCULATION: The number of tokens will be limited and nothing else will be issued.

Private Sale ( Now Closed ) - NA ( Closed ) - NA ( Closed )

  • Pre-ICO ( Nov 7-21 ) - 30% - 1 CYRO = $ 0.70 USD
  • Full ICO - 0-15% - 1 CYRO = $ 0.85-1.00 USD

  • Building center of cryonics and international scale CryoGen = 30%
  • Technology development = 25%
  • Marketing, PR / GR = 20%
  • Project Management (including legal and administrative costs) = 15%
  • Strategic Partner = 5%
  • Reserve fund = 5%
Sales and distribution of CryoGen coins

CRYO Token is a utility token, which gives access to CryoGen services from CryoStore, which allows you to purchase all services available from the company.


  • 2018 : Opening of CRYOGEN NGO with Swiss jurisdiction
  • 2019 : Starting from a reversible experimental animal cryopreservation experiment
  • 2020 : Cryonics euthanasia technology is successful and applied. Starting from the development of reliable and effective reversible cryopreservation technology from mammalian organs.
  • 2021 : The reversible and effective cryopreservation technology of most mammalian organs has been obtained. The experiments begin with the organs of the dying.
  • 2022 : Anabiosis technology evolves for space flight.
Cryo's : https://en.cryogen.me/file/cryogen-wp.pdf has a more detailed Road Map.

CryoGen receives support and participation from various stakeholders in the success and development of this project, of which there are three stages of participation, among others: The first stage is Personal Placement starting from 17 October to 9 November 2017 which interested parties must send email kr cryogenico2017@gmail.com or fill out the application through a user's personal account at http://cryogen.me. The second stage is Pre ICO which starts on November 7, 2017 until November 21, 2017 which at this stage will be launched around 500,000 tokens. The Third Stage of ICO Sales beginning on the Date will be determined by pre-ICO sales results in December or January

Program and Bounty CryoGen

If you want to join and participate in this project you can see the information on the bounty program forum at BOUNTY THREAD. Later Tokens issued or allocated to the Bounty Program include : 
  • 30% Social Media Campaign,
  • 20% Blog Campaign,
  • 20% Translation Campaign,
  • 25% Signature Campaign, 
  • 5% Telegram Campaign
I chose to review Cryo because this was the first cryonics company I realized using blockchain technology to achieve their goals. I am also curious about the field of cryonics, and I find the topic interesting because it has ethical components and various considerations that are not black and white. As much as I would like to express my opinion and start a discussion about cryonics, this is not included in this review. However, what is within the scope is what I think about Cryo's plan and share my opinion on the health of the whole krionic industry.

While I can not find the latest sales figures of cryonic consumers, estimates for the global cryonics equipment market should give us an indication of the general health and overall size of the market.

The global cryonics equipment market is estimated to reach about 24 billion USD in 2022 with a compound annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of about 7.8% according to the following sources:

The forecast above in global cryonics equipment tells me that the market is at least growing and there may be some part of consumer demand that drives growth.

I also can not find the latest report on cryonics research fund. I am not surprised by this because Cryo has pointed out the lack of fundamental research as a problem in their problem statement section of their http://en.cryogen.me/file/cryogen-wp.pdf. Cryo pointed out that cryonics organizations have not been sufficiently involved in the research and development of cryonics and have used much of the same practice over the past two decades. Scientific research funding is an area that Cryo believes they can support by offering a way for CRYO holders to purchase Science Shares in their CryoMarket.

Cost is a major barrier for more consumers entering the market. Prices vary widely and cryopreservation of the whole body can cost as much as $ 200,000. Cryo offers full body cryopreservation at 36,000 CRYO, which at the end of their ICO distribution puts a cost of $ 36,000, but standby and transportation services can significantly increase the cost of making cryonic preservation even more than the majority of the population. .

As I mentioned above, Cryo has an installment plan and claims that using CRYO will be lower than the conventional currency. But I am not entirely sure. That may be true if CYRO demand grows and hodlers experience price appreciation. If the CRYO price falls then the cost for holdlers will increase as it will require more CRYO to purchase the service. However, a fall in prices will benefit future buyers as it will reduce costs with respect to what existing investors have done. For example, if CRYO drops to 0.50 per CRYO then 36,000 CRYO will now cost $ 18,000 when CRYO is at $ 1.00 per CRYO. However, if the price appreciates it will cost more for future purchases as it would be more expensive for someone to get 36,000 CRYO. This is a definite problem for Cryo.

Cryo may need to find ways to stabilize CRYO prices and protect hodgers and themselves from falling prices. Other cryptocurrency companies use a variety of ways to encourage buyers to hold their tokens. Spying is the most popular way, but this is not the only way. Perhaps the simplest solution is to give their products a fiat cost and not CRYO.

Chances are I missed something and the price service at CRYO might not be a problem at all [ If Cryo reads this please share the gaps in my analysis so that the community ( and I ) have a better understanding ].

The side costs, I think Cryo uses blockchain to achieve their goals is pretty cool and hopefully Cryo will focus on ideas that will leverage technology further in the future that will reduce the cost of consumers even if it does not hurt the point.

Do I want to live longer ? I am not sure now, but I am sure that I will follow Cryo's development and the cryonics industry is written great if and when I have more concrete answers. At the very least, I plan to support any technology that increases human chances of survival by contributing through the Cryo science sharing option.

Introducing the CryoGen Team

Experienced people in the world of health and others have been embraced as a CryGen project team including :


Next you can also get more information about ICO you can see and visit the following link :

Author Article : Boyambon07
ETH : 0xE4Dcb7142A7fB9E3090059B69CedfEb88B2D2690

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

Nucleus security technology

Nucleus adalah sistem identifikasi berbasis pada Universitas Harvard yang memungkinkan pengecer dan lebih baik melayani pelanggan mereka. Nucleusoper menggunakan teknologi BASICST2S4 yang dipatenkan dan tidak tergantung pada RFID, WiFi, Bluetooth dan pengenalan wajah. nCash adalah mata uang kripto terdesentralisasi dari ekosistem Inti, yang digunakan untuk berbagai transaksi melalui ekosistem Nukleus.

Nucleus telah menciptakan sistem sensorik yang dapat disesuaikan secara tradisional dan tinggi, tekanan, gerakan, percepatan dan suara yang dekat dengan. Sensor ini dapat. Tidak bisa dibuka. Di Bluetooth, Wi-Fi atau GPS. Teknologi sensor IoTayar Anda tersusun atas layar atau di mana saja sensor dipasang, yang memungkinkan pengguna kami menemukan langsung ponsel EMEI dan data dalam diagram blok.

Pathbreaking proprietary technology

Nucleus Vision IoT sensors do not depend on RFID, WiFi, Bluetooth, or even facial recognition technologies to operate

  • No app required
  • No barriers to adoption
  • No Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS required
  • Works with all phones
  • Provides anonymous intelligence

In Store Customer Experience

Pathbreaking proprietary technology

Nucleus Vision IoT sensors do not depend on RFID, WiFi, Bluetooth, or even facial recognition technologies to operate

How does Nucleus Vision work

  • Retailer ( Installs ION Sensor )
  • ION Sensor ( Identifies customers )
  • Orbit ( Sends data over secure orbit layer )
  • Neuron ( Creates real time personas )
  • Customer ( Gets recommendation )

Introducing the Core Vision

Established at Harvard University, Nucleus Vision is an IoT-based contactless identification system that empowers retailers to better identify and serve their customers.

Nucleus Vision Retail
In-Store customer identification and personalization

  • Successful authorizations
  • Recommendations & Offers sent
  • Live data from retail stores
  • Unique identifications
  • Offers availed

Nucleus Vision Security
Security and Monitoring of Physical assets and access control

  • Residential Security
  • Commercial Security
  • Asset Security
Nucleus Vision powered world
Connected living with nucleus vision smart homes, cities, health, Transportation and agriculture

  • Health
  • Agriculture
  • Cities
  • Transportation
  • Smart Homes
Connecting the Unconnected

Timeline & Roadmap

Leadership Team




For more information :

Author Article : Boyambon07
ETH : 0xE4Dcb7142A7fB9E3090059B69CedfEb88B2D2690

Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018


Paiement dans l'écosystème FT

Les jetons FABRIC seront utilisés comme services publics pour payer les biens et services au sein de la plateforme. Par exemple, si quelqu'un veut créer le sien, par exemple, il doit payer une petite somme dans le jeton MOBILIER pour avoir accès à son code.

De plus, les jetons FURNITURE seront utilisés comme des actifs numériques à échanger entre les développeurs tiers et les utilisateurs des magasins KAIN. L'idée de base derrière Fabric tokens est que, contrairement à la monnaie crypto plus populaire, elle dépend uniquement de la productivité et de la croissance de l'écosystème FT, et non d'autres facteurs externes.

Marchés décentralisés pour les composants.

The Fabric Store permettra aux développeurs de récupérer des jetons et de renforcer leur réputation en complétant TokenGen et DAPP Workbench avec leurs composants logiciels spéciaux. Des propriétés numériques plus strictes offriront une opportunité avantageuse aux programmeurs talentueux, en aidant l'écosystème FT à offrir plus d'opportunités aux entreprises et aux particuliers. Le marché recevra une nature décentralisée et inchangée de la chaîne de blocs, conservera ses données, une exigence d'examen des produits équitable qui ne peut pas être falsifiée, et est actif contre la fraude.

DApp Workbench

DApp Workbench aidera les organisations à développer des contrats intelligents grâce à la modélisation des processus métier. Le programme dispose d'une interface glisser-déposer qui utilise la norme BPMN 2.0 pour importer et réutiliser des graphiques créés avec d'autres outils compatibles BPMN.

Une partie de la spécification BPMN et des composants standard du contrat prudent vous permettra de créer des flux de travail entièrement automatisés pour diverses technologies de blocages, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, Ethereal et Fabric Hyperledger. DApp Workbench vous permet d'effectuer toutes les phases du développement automatisé des processus métier, depuis la conception, la compilation et le test jusqu'au déploiement, la surveillance et la désaffectation des flux de travail dans l'organigramme.


  • Septembre 2017 - Début du développement en TokenGen

Les fonctions actuelles de l'interface utilisateur et de la version bêta, qui comportent un total de 6 modèles de contrats intelligents qui étendent la fonction de jeton et la collecte de fonds, sont toutes deux pleinement opérationnelles. Cet outil sera disponible pour l'utilisateur une fois le lancement du token en tissu terminé.

  • Octobre 2017 - Initier le développement chez DApp Workbench

Tester intensivement et déterminer l'architecture logicielle, la pile technologique, la blockchain supportée et la notation de modélisation pour BPM.

  • Février 2018 - TokenGen 1.0

Comprend des applications Web entièrement fonctionnelles pour la création de contrats intelligents symboliques et la collecte de fonds.

  • Avril 2018 - TokenGen 2.0

Des modèles de contrat supplémentaires sont ajoutés pour les fonctions de jeton et de collecte de fonds.

  • Juillet 2018 - DApp Workbench Public Beta

Inclut une application de bureau DApp Workbench entièrement fonctionnelle ainsi que des clouds avec un ensemble limité de composants de contrat intelligents, qui seront définis et publiés avant le lancement de la version bêta.

  • Septembre 2018 - DApp Workbench 1.0

Développez la version bêta du logiciel en développant de manière significative les composants de contrat intelligents fournis par DApp Workbench.

  • Octobre 2018 - Début du développement du magasin de tissus

Le code initial du contrat intelligent du projet est écrit, optimisé, testé, audité puis déployé. En outre, l'interface utilisateur fonctionne avec des contrats intelligents développés.

  • Décembre 2018 - Magasin général Beta Cloth

Certaines interfaces utilisateur fonctionnelles connectées aux contrats intelligents du magasin de tissus sont ouvertes au public à des fins de test.

  • Février 2019 - Magasin de tissus 1.0

Un marché entièrement décentralisé opérant pour des composants de contrat intelligents est généralement lancé pour permettre aux développeurs tiers d'améliorer encore la performance de nos projets vanilla et d'étendre l'adoption de l'écosystème Fabric Token.

  • 2019 - Écosystème de jeton de jetons fixe plus loin

D'autres améliorations aux écosystèmes Token Token se concentrent principalement sur l'élargissement de la gamme de fonctionnalités couvertes par des composants de contrat intelligents qui rendent le produit accessible à un groupe croissant d'utilisateurs et d'entreprises.

Vente de jetons

  • Début du lancement du jeton de matrice

Le 15 février 2018 à exactement 10h00 UTC.

  • Approvisionnement total de jetons de tissu

100 millions.

  • Casquette de collecte de fonds

80 millions de pieds carrés équivalent à environ 9 millions USD.

  • Formulaire de paiement accepté

Seulement Ethereum ( ETH ).

  • Prix du token en tissu

Exactement 0.1125 USD par 1 FT.

  • Taux de change du jeton de matrice

9 000 par ETH ( sera ajusté en conséquence juste avant le lancement de FT ).

  • Pré-vente publique, bonus et ventes secondaires

Il n'y aura rien de ce qui précède.

  • Adresse de contrat Smart Token Fabric

Sera rendu public exactement 48 heures avant le lancement.

  • Fin de lancement du jeton de matrice

Soit 45 jours après le lancement ou si le plafond de la collecte de fonds est atteint.


Nikolay Nikov

Nikolay Nikov
Vision, stratégie, reconstruction, chef de la direction

De travailler sur le plus grand logiciel de détection de triche de Grande-Bretagne et EMEA, pour construire des cadres de sécurité logicielle pour les institutions britanniques, les antécédents de Nikolay en développement de logiciels l'ont aidé à acquérir une grande expertise technologique et de réseautage.

Marin Ivanov

Marin Ivanov
Développement de logiciels et contrat intelligent, DevOps, CTO

Avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans des projets allant du développement Web, des applications système et de la programmation embarquée de bas niveau, Marin connaît les bons outils pour chaque métier. Combiné avec une carrière qui comprend son côté créatif et son approche disciplinée de la conformité réglementaire, il est le CTO que tout projet va adorer.

Doncho Karaivanov

Doncho Karaivanov
Marketing, contenu, conception, front-end et développement de contrats intelligents, COO

Un entrepreneur prospère dans le marketing numérique aujourd'hui, Doncho a une riche expérience dans le développement de logiciels. Encouragé par sa créativité et sa recherche de la perfection, il est parfait pour les équipes techniques axées sur l'innovation et l'expérience utilisateur.


Dimitar Boyanov

Dimitar Boyanov
Affaires et cadre juridique

Dimitar Boyanov est un ingénieur logiciel, ayant développé et géré le cycle de vie des applications d'entreprise à grande échelle dans le secteur financier conforme aux exigences réglementaires et d'audit au niveau national et international tout en travaillant pour la Deutsche Bank en tant qu'analyste principal. Il est actuellement impliqué dans des technologies basées sur le cloud et développe des méthodologies pour des solutions d'adoption cloud sécurisées.

Krastyu Georgiev

Krastyu Georgiev
Consultant technique

Krastyu a plus de 20 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans l'architecture, la conception, la mise en œuvre et la maintenance de systèmes logiciels complexes pour des entreprises allemandes, suisses, belges et bulgares. Au fil des ans, il a occupé les postes d'architecte d'entreprise ( gouvernement électronique ), de gestionnaire de projet technique, de Scrum Master, d'architecte de solutions logicielles et de développeur d'entreprise Java.

Marian Nedelchev

Marian Nedelchev
Business Landscape Analysis et BPM Consulting

Un Business Analysis Professional chevronné et une équipe de base composée d'acteurs de projets informatiques de grande et moyenne envergure dans les secteurs financier et gouvernemental en Allemagne, au Royaume-Uni et en Bulgarie. Les projets et produits ont été financés par la Banque mondiale, les fonds de l'Union européenne et les principales sociétés d'investissement traditionnelles et alternatives.

Milen Ivanov Alt BW

Milen Ivanov
Étude de marché et économie de projet

Avec plus de quatre ans d'expérience dans la négociation sur le NYSE, Milen a une connaissance approfondie des marchés et des fluctuations et réagit à certaines conditions externes et internes. Actuellement, il est activement engagé dans la négociation à Alaric Securities - l'une des principales sociétés commerciales en Bulgarie.

Petya Valkova

Petya Valkova
Consultant en gestion de projet

Avec une vaste expérience dans les solutions et la livraison de projets multitechnologies dans des entreprises de haut rang, la pensée analytique rapide de Petya et sa vaste connaissance de la technologie et des affaires l'ont aidée à bâtir un dossier respectable menant des projets ambitieux à la réussite.

Simeon Karaivanov

Simeon Karaivanov
Éditeur de contenu

Simeon a travaillé comme un lecteur professionnel pendant plus de 5 ans et travaille maintenant comme un éditorial pour l'une des principales maisons d'édition commerciales en Bulgarie - Bard Publishers. La majeure partie de son expérience professionnelle a été consacrée à travailler sur des textes et à les améliorer.

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Article de l'auteur: Boyambon07
ETH: 0xE4Dcb7142A7fB9E3090059B69CedfEb88B2D2690
Hasil gambar untuk sether bounty

What is SETHER

Sether opens blockchain to marketers everywhere, using tools that were not previously available - Smart Contracts. They bring transparency, so it can be trusted, but isolated from social networking. Sether brings social networking data, analyzed intelligently, into smart contracts. Integrating intelligent contracts into your marketing strategy offers your business powerful, transparent high-powered advertising engine, giving your clients new ways to interact with your brand while cutting monitoring and monitoring costs at the same time.

SETHER will allow developers to create new service chains that fully leverage the information available on social networks: bonus campaigns, loyalty programs, customer targeting, referral programs, pool discounts, action proofs, etc.

This is an unfair world where everyone bends or breaks the rules. There is no doubt that the attention received by the Efirium unit is due to its increasing appeal to decentralize services and applications. Benefits of blockchain also have disadvantages for any company: it blocks access to social networks, burning fuel components for any business, inside or outside the notebook. The success of a market market depends on its availability.

This led to the creation of Sether, a blocking service that offers important access to social networks. The platform is currently under development, releasing an alpha version in January 2018.

Sether allows developers to create a new generation of blockchlin services that fully use the information available on social networks, campaigns with bonuses, loyalty programs, target clients, referral programs, coupons, and provide proof of action and open up many opportunities for expansion - many integral businesses in real world.

The developer sether has a large amount of data. MWARE also offers extensive data and solutions for Worldwide II through platforms like BigConnect and Sponge, using their experience in creating Sether. The result is a platform that not only provides integration with social networking APIs, but also provides customized analysis and monitoring capabilities for enterprise operations and chains. Users can run custom social network requests to get the desired information, search for impacts, see the reach of their messages, get observers notified when certain events occur and see mood for various social network objects like messages, messages, pages, events and more.

Platform sether

Sether will provide APIs that will be available to all developers on the block side. They intend to support the Ethereum network and test network, Bitcoin, Rootstock, personal networks based on Ethereum (such as Monax), and make their APIs available for non-binding applications. They will also release the Developer Console for developers to test their interface for Sether.

The platform will offer access to its API using the Monthly Fees model for use, but anyone can use the API and pay for every call if they wish. This meeting is very competitive, which should stimulate the company to use this service eyes wide open, for new business opportunities emerge, on and off blockchin

Sether is a blocking service that provides access to social networks for key chains. This allows them to create new service chains that fully utilize social networking information for bonus campaigns, loyalty programs, customer targeting, referral programs and coupons, as well as providing proof of marketing and action evidence and opening up many opportunities. to expand the business blockade in the real world.

Sether's goal was to remove the most important last barrier to chain growth: the coverage of social networks. With the help of services provided by any business, they can use smart contracts to manage their transactions, develop and understand their markets and simultaneously motivate their clients. Block Chain and great data analysis, a very lucrative game In addition to access to social networking, Sether also providing analytical capabilities and user-defined monitoring capabilities for business operations and chains. Users can initiate user-specified social networking requests to get the desired information, search for impacts, see the reach of their messages, create observers who will be notified of events that have occurred, and view the mood of various social network items such as messages, messages, pages, events and much more. All this will be the release of block business. SETH threads will be used for all platforms and transactions.

We use great data analysis, artificial intelligence and behavioral science to understand every individual in your audience, which lets you connect with them personally. We understand group behavior through community voice, enabling you to make holistic decisions.

The Innovation

The Constraints

The Need

The Solution

The Example

Customer Loyalty
Give discount and promotional offers to specific customers if they promote your product on social channels for example, if they twittet or posted about the last 5 items bought from your company, the automatically get a 15% discount on their next purchase. using a smart contract

Our commitment to SETHER

We are building Sether because we need it
this is how it happens This is the reason why we are committed to continue living regardless of the results of the ICO campaign So, there will be no soft-stamp, because the project will continue and will go into production Look forward to news and development opportunities, by following and subscribing to our channel on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Broad reach and best security measures

Production version will support:
  • main blockchains and testnets
  • off-blockchain app
  • all popular networks: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Google Plus, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, YouTube, Pinterest and VKontakte

We are GDPR compliant SETHER uses Intel's latest innovations in hardware security to protect secret codes and data from disclosure or alteration. This technology is known as Intel SGX ( Software Guard eXtensions ).


The pre-ICO will stop at 11,000,000 sold tokens 1 SETH = 0.003 ETH
Hard Cap: 33,000 ETH

The minimum contribution for pre-ICO :
  • 0.1 ETH or BTC equivalent with a bonus of 40%
For information on the terms of the pre-sale please contact : Investor@sether.oi

Token distribution

SETH tokens are intended to be allocated as follows:
  • 55% to be sold in the pre-ICO and ICO **
  • 35% reserved by Sether to incentivize community, beta testers and strategic partners. Tokens will be diluted in 7% per year, during the next 5 years to support future steering of the project.
  • 10% to be sold directly on the platform for service consumers. These tokens will be locked for 6 months after the end of the crowdsale
** Based on the results of the public sale, at the end of the ICO, a proportional amount of tokens will be minted for the Company and the Platform to keep the balance and prevent dilution. Therefore, the community will own 55%, the Company will own 35% and the Platform will own 10% of all minted tokens.


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  Author Article: Boyambon07
ETH: 0xE4Dcb7142A7fB9E3090059B69CedfEb88B2D2690