Website - https://alphateca.com/
What is Alphateca
Alphateca is a global cryptomarket, where any user can act both as a buyer or seller, sell or purchase different services or goods using cryptocurrency as a means of payment. Imagine that it takes you only 10 minutes to create your own private wallet ( link ) without leaving your house, go to Alphateca and offer your tablet, car, yacht, song of your own composition or a rare artifact of the popular computer game for sale just in a few clicks! Tens of thousands of people see your itemevery day - somebody will definitely like it. In a very short time, you are able to find a buyer, be paid on the cryptowallet, and safely buy the goods you need from hundreds of categories located on the cryptomarket. You do not have to withdraw currency from the whole cryptosystem - you can pay for any product or service right from your cryptowallet.
It works with other types of goods too, for example, with digital intellectual property. You can distribute your audio, e-books, computer games, photos and much more with cryptocurrency all around the world. Alphateca is a great way to monetize your creative potential. Among hundreds of thousands users worldwide there are those who will appreciate your creativity and will be able to buy the copy for themselves.
On Alphateca, a cryptocurrency itself can be a commodity - for example: you put several Ethereum coins on sale and specify how many other cryptocurrencies you want in exchange. This process is similar to a сryptocurrency exchange, but allows you to avoid exchange commissions and delays, since in fact, this is an exchange transaction. In general, Alphateca is an international trading platform where the user can sell or buy any product with a suitable cryptocurrency, saving time and money.
Features of Alphateca
Working with Alphateca is based on two principles: loyalty to fiat money and global desire to promote the use of cryptocurrency in everyday life. Starting your work on the Alphateca platform is quite simple. User-friendly interface, familiar images and simple language will allow you to understand the basic principles in just a few minutes.
We have prepared a modern and convenient Support section for you, which includes all the necessary material for exploring the crypto sphere through articles and videos. Answers to frequently asked questions ( FAQ ) can be found on the website, in the relevant section. You can discuss problems or suggestions on the improvement of the website on the forum. Active forum users receive a rating and a special achievement displayed on their account.
The platform has some free features: item placement, auction, etc., but there are also paid services such as advertising, store creation, guarantor and some others. You can use them with cryptocurrency or tokens, which can be obtained during ICO campaign. Any user who supports Alphateca from any place for the fees will receive his bonus tokens, individual achievement, displayed in the profile and affecting the rating and the overall level of confidence in the account.
Alphateca's mission is to bring Internet commerce to a new level and utilize the best use of cryptocurrency in everyday life.
- All in one
Numerous goods and services are collected on a single platform, which is very convenient to use. In just a few clicks, you are able to find the car you are interested in, contact sellers of car consumables and accessories, maintenance services, the nearest car wash or even a tuning salon - all of this without leaving the platform.
- Worldwide
Buyers and sellers from all over the world meet in one place - on the Alphateca platform. When visiting another country, you can easily find goods and services in your city or region. Imagine how simple it will be to buy or rent all that you need without agency fees, or loss of interest when exchanging your country's currency for local. You just come to your favorite city to relax, go to Alphateca, choose a product or service according to the place of stay, click on "contact seller" button and the seller instantly receives an alert from the platform.
- Quick and cheap transactions
The network commission for a transaction of cryptocurrency will be much less than the bank ones. Because of seller's cost reduction the final price of the goods can be lower for the buyers too. Transaction is not subject to additional charges and does not lose interest when transferred to another country. Cryptocurrency is delivered to the seller's account within minutes regardless of the distance.
- Convenience of transactions
All the necessary transaction tools are already on the platform: secure and fast purchase of cryptocurrency in a few clicks, conversion between any of the existing currencies.
- Wide marketing coverage
Our marketing strategy involves gradual offline and online advertising around the world and the enormous use of Internet tools for the promotion. We also rely on your positive experience of using the platform and we hope that you share it with your friends and colleagues.
- Decentralization
the main feature of a successful global project. Your transactions are not dependant on banks working hours, holidays and weekends. Blockchain technology is available 24/7 and allows carrying out the most transparent operations, while maintaining the user's privacy.
Our main mission is to develop and simplify international online trading based on cryptocurrencies, as we strongly believe that cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are the future of the global financial system.
How Alphateca Works
Alphateca is based on two principles: loyalty to the traditional money and a global aspiration to popularize the usage of cryptocurrency in the everyday life.
It all starts with an instant registration: just in a few clicks you can create an account, and that is how you can already buy or sell anything all over the world.
In case you don’t have a cryptowallet, we will show you how to get one. It is extremely easy for anybody to enter the world of cryptocurrency e-commerce with Alphateca.
Here or in Alphateca, cryptocurrency itself can be a commodity - for example: You put some Ethereum coins on sale and determine how many other cryptocurrencies you want instead. This process is similar to сryptocurrency exchange, but it allows you to avoid commission exchanges and delays, as this is actually an exchange transaction.
If you join here, of course there are many other benefits that you will get from the Alphateca Project and to find out more about Alphateca, See Videos below :
Implementation of services for the following year

Technical description of the token ATEC
General information
We present an ATEC cryptographic token based on the Ethereum platform. The ATEC token has limited emissions. This is a utility token, it can be used for settlements only in projects, but can be moved within the website. (We also do not prohibit ICO participants from transferring ATEC tokens between wallets). Tokens can not be used outside of the website. All unsold tokens will be destroyed. Token can only be used once.
Pre-Sales and ICO
The buyer transfers ETH through a smart contract and receives an ATEC token, as well as a bonus according to the amount and payment day in return. Then the buyer signs up on the Alphateca website, chooses the function to fill the token balance in the personal account and transfers the ATEC token to the personally generated address on his account, thereby refilling the account's internal balance.
Important : A list of acceptable Ethereum wallets can be found in ICO participant accounts.
Important : Do not use exchange cryptowallets for ICO because you will not be able to get a token.
KYC Procedures and AML Procedures
KYC and AML will be performed by the Alphateca team. You can read more about this in the relevant section.
Emissions and distribution of the ATEC token
- Full emissions - 177 000 000 ATEC
- Pre-Sales - 19 000 000 ATEC
- ICO - 155 000 000 ATEC
- Bounty - 1 500 000 Cards
- ATEC Gifts - 1 500 000 ATEC

ICO tokens and Bounty tokens will not be blocked. Token will be paid to all participants two weeks later after the end of ICO.
The gift card tokens will be blocked until the pin code is entered in the user's personal account.
- Pre-Sales ( June 15-25 ).
- Bonus fixed - 25%.
- Limit tokens - 19 000 000 ATEC ( sold approx 15000 000 ATEC )
- 1 ETH = 7 000 ATEC
- 0.079 BTC = 7 000 ATEC
- Minimum purchase - 0.5 ETH
ICO runs from 1 July to August

Road map
- December 1, 2017 - Birth of the idea
- January 15, 2018 - Prototype of the platform
- March 15, 2018 - Turning the idea into a technical task
- April 1, 2018 - Gathering all team members
- May 1, 2018 - First alpha version of the project
- May 22, 2018 - First presentation of the team at the Expo Forum
- June 1, 2018 - Technical launch of the project
- June 10, 2018 - Launch of the production version with the functionality of paid services, private announcements, moderation section, and support services
- June 14, 2018 - Introduction of stores, holds, auctions
- June 15, 2018 - Launch of Pre-Sale, expansion to Germany, France
- July 1, 2018 - Launch of the ICO, offline events in support of the project, adding training materials to the website
- July 2018 - Attracting retail stores and buyers for the project, adding iOS and Android applications, expanding the geography of the project to Austria, Italy
- August 2018 - Launch of service for interchange of ATEC tokens and services, adding video sales / video reviews to the project, meet-ups, joint purchases, expanding the geography of the project to the countries of Scandinavia.
- September 2018 - Adding webinars, new advertising tools, expanding the geography of the project to the UK
- October 2018 - Preparation for New Year sales, preparation of events with ticket sales through the website, expansion of the project geography to Japan
- November 2018 - Carrying out events, expanding the geography of the project to Turkey, India
- December 2018 - Implementation of gift cards and gift products of the company for the New Year
- 2019 the first quarter - Introduction of new sales tools, preparation of the category "rental of real estate / goods", extension of the project geography to Latin America
- 2019 second quarter - Expanding the geography of the project to China
- 2019 the third and fourth quarters - Adaptation of the website to the possibility of offline purchases.

For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :
- Website : https://alphateca.com/
- Whitepaper : http://ico.alphateca.com/doc/WP.docx
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/alphateca
- Telegram : https://t.me/alphateca
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Alphateca/
- Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw9BtN0urmARhXvJqKYuBiw
Author Article : Boyambon07
ETH : 0xE4Dcb7142A7fB9E3090059B69CedfEb88B2D2690
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