Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

SKYLLZ - Confirm the use of created portfolios automatically using Touchpoint or Stapps apps

What is SKYLLZ

SKYLLZ is an open source and distribution platform. Confirming the skills of using an automated portfolio created by Touchpoint or Stapps application specialists, SKYLLZ strives to bring the transparent ecosystem of human skills into the business line and the most modern people. Using proof skills to evaluate users listed on the platform, they will create a unique portfolio for each user.

Distributed and open source software, allowing users to examine and improve the possibilities for acquiring, distributing, contextualizing and fast skills in and on application point contact skills ( STAP ), such as e-learning platforms, platforms networks, platform portfolios, stand-alone educational platforms or other platforms that want to benefit and enhance the value of the ecosystem Skyllz Protocols set standards for creating cross-platform ecosystems where users acquire, use or enhance skills in Touchpoint Skills ( Stapp ) applications in them.

Users can test their experience on STAPs with evidence of effectiveness ( Skyllz reputation ) and finance their self-development using Skyllz Tokens.

Suggested solutions

SKYLLZ, a platform developed by WORKKOLA, applies "SKYLLZ SPORT FORMAT". It is an open and distributed platform. Confirming the skills of using an automated portfolio created by Touchpoint or Stapps application specialists, SKYLLZ strives to bring the transparent ecosystem of human skills into the business line and the most modern people. Using proof skills to evaluate users listed on the platform, they will create a unique portfolio for each user.

Supporters who assess the ability of users are experienced users with certain skills and are rewarded for their services. They have seven rules in which the SDP works for everyone on the platform. Using an ethereum block to store user-related data, SKYLLZ will offer non-tradable ecosystems and traceable assets.

Skyllz Mission

Skyllz is to turn people into their main asset. The Skyllz distributed platform ( SDP ) aims to create a universal and growing human ecosystem, which replaces the CV.
Proof of qualification

Skyllz standardizes and unifies any skill verification ( professional or otherwise ) that you get, apply or raise Ethereum Blockchain a very intelligent person Skyllz is designed to empower people based on their exceptional abilities and talents.

Skyllz allows users to participate, create transactions and automatically track their self-development through apps through the protocol ( Touchpoints Skill App, STAPs ).

Distribute Token

Disrupt the status quo and avoid bias with a decentralized system and anonymize P2P validation skills thanks to Rater ( who acts as an oracle between other users and Smart Contract )

Evidence-of-Skill and Token Skyllz are both reflected on Ethereum Blockchain and are publicly accessible and visible. No company or benefit from this data storage anymore. Value is shared among society by meritocratic means

Designed specifically for developers and game changers who want to bring and get value from SDP. Skyllz API ( skyllz.io ) simplifies integration with SDP to help communities build or improve powerful and impacting solutions that will change the world
  • Skyllz Tokens ( SKT )

The Skyllz Token ( SKT ), compatible ERC-20 utility tokens ( Role checking, goal analysis and Mougayar features ) allow users to access and transact on SDP. They function as account units that allow users to participate and gain validation of their skills across or across ecosystem applications.



SKYLLZ advisor

For those of you who want to know more about us, please visit our official links :

Author Article : Boyambon07
ETH : 0xE4Dcb7142A7fB9E3090059B69CedfEb88B2D2690

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