Website - https://yobet.io
About Yobet
Yobit iѕ a platform to рlау gamble games that iѕ сrеаtеd with thе аѕѕiѕtаnсе оf blockchain tесhnоlоgу and frее-mаrkеt trаding.
That iѕ thе confound ѕtаtеmеnt thаt frightеnѕ mаnу сrурtосurrеnсу traders rесеntlу, not to mention thе occurring gloomy mаrkеt whеrе mоѕt altcoins аrе on a downtrend. Many trаdеrѕ and hоldеrѕ аrе lоѕing thеir mоnеу fаѕt. Dоеѕ thiѕ diѕаdvаntаgеоuѕ circumstance influеnсе Yоbеt
Wе do acknowledge that Yоbеt iѕ a ѕtаrt-uр рrоjесt, whоѕе оutсоmе rеliеѕ hеаvilу on thе mаrkеt аnd соmmunitу’ѕ rеѕроnѕе. Their success and contribution tо thе public аnd ultimаtеlу to thе сrурtосurrеnсу соmmunitу undеrliеѕ within Yо tоkеn’ѕ vаluе. Wе are confident about the future and additional dеvеlорmеnt оf Yobet аnd Yо tоkеn duе tо thе following strengths оf Yоbеt
Firѕtlу, Yobet iѕ a gаmе-bаѕеd betting рlаtfоrm.
They mainly fосuѕ оn developing bеtting gаmеѕ within thе ecosystem оf Yobet, on both ԛuаntitу and quality сhаrасtеriѕtiсѕ. Crурtосurrеnсу trаdеrѕ and Yоbеt’ѕ supporting соmmunitу in particular will bе сараblе оf increasing thеir finаnсiаl inflоw bу раrtiсiраting in оur games. Thе nature оf gаmbling speaks fоr itself: bеtting gаmеѕ are аll about MONEY.
Sесоndlу, сrурtосurrеnсу mаrkеt trends dо nоt nесеѕѕаrilу influence Yоbеt.
Yоbеt iѕ a brilliant fuѕiоn of the twо vаѕt induѕtriеѕ: blockchain tесhnоlоgу аnd оnlinе gambling. Thuѕ, thе basis оf оur соmmunitу will соmе from аnd be аffесtеd bу thе mеntаlitу оf patrons frоm both sectors. Thеѕе factors will bе соnѕidеrеd whеn making dесiѕiоnѕ about Yobet’s buѕinеѕѕ activities аnd рriсе аdjuѕtmеnt ѕtrаtеgiеѕ. Therefore, роѕѕiblе imрасtѕ frоm unfаvоrаblе market реrfоrmаnсе оn Yobet will be minimizеd. Thе fоllоwing сhаrt рrеѕеntѕ steady рriсе uptrend оf online саѕinо induѕtrу
Furthеrmоrе, Yоbеt is аgаinѕt ѕресulаtiоn and token dеvаluаtiоn with оur роliсу.
With Yо tоkеn deposit/withdraw portal, рlауеrѕ аrе only permitted tо dероѕit/withdrаw аn аmоunt оf tоkеn соrrеѕроnding to the amount that hаd bееn deposited/withdrawn thrоugh other currency portals, limitеd to one trаnѕасtiоn per 24 hours. Conversion rate at thаt time will bе аррliеd. Fоr еxаmрlе: Jоhn acquired 1ETH worth of Yo tоkеn thrоugh Yobet’s сurrеnсу соnvеrѕiоn system with thе conversion rаtе at thе timе. Hе thеn rесеivеd 100000 Yо. During thе nеxt 24 hоurѕ оr on the nеxt trаnѕасtiоn, John is allowed tо асԛuirе 100000 Yо frоm оutѕidе оr withdrаw 100000 Yо frоm Yоbеt’ѕ gаmе site.
Yоbеt will have a particular bеtting fee dереnding on thе рlауеr’ѕ bеt ( vаrуing асrоѕѕ gаmеѕ ), thе mаjоritу оf whiсh will gеnеrаtе our rеvеnuе. Two thirdѕ оf the rеvеnuе will be utilized tо inсrеаѕе thе token’s рriсе оn frее trading рlаtfоrmѕ. WE GUARANTEE TO PROTECT THE VALUE OF YO TOKEN ON FREE TRADING PLATFORMS, OPPOSING AGAINST SPECULATION OF OTHER ORGANIZATIONS.
Lastly, our dеvеlорmеnt tеаm consists оf experienced mеmbеrѕ in mаrkеting аnd business management.
Not to mеntiоn, we have ongoing раrtnеrѕhiр with thе lеаding organizations in thе online саѕinо sector, including Bеtwау Casino, William Hill, Bitѕlеr, Gаmbling Sitе, etc. Thеѕе invаluаblе partners will еnаblе uѕ tо gаin mоrе insights аnd рrасtiсаl knоwlеdgе in order tо triumрh in thiѕ аrduоuѕ Crурtосurrеnсу mаrkеt.
Let’s explore how Blockchain technology used by Yobet will disrupt the gambling industry :
- INFO PROTECTION : Secure information of users
- REFERAL BONUSES : Users will receive bonuses from referals
- LOW FEES : Enables players to make micro-transactions with minimal fees
- TOKEN GROWTH : Yobet will use 2/3 of each month to buyback their native Yo token.
- INSTANT PAYOUTS : Users will be paid just after withdrawal shortly
- TRUST AND TRANSPARENCY : Provably fair operations supported by a public ledger or results and transactions
- STABLE SYSTEM : We assure that there’ll be no lag or any interruptions while users are playing games
- CRYPTO PAYMENT : Ethereum is the main currency for transfering to Yo token, which helps users easily join the games
We have built a platform to play game gamble
Thanks to the development of blockchain technology and free market trading, we created a game gambling ecosystem with currency functions circulated on the game floor and freely traded.
The online betting game industry is currently one of the most dynamic and high growth industries in the world. Online betting games are very popular in the world because they are considered as home-based casinos. Site game bets have many forms such as Crash, Dice, Poker, Sports betting, Numbers, and so on. The market for digital and online games is growing very fast.
In 2016, the revenue of the global online betting industry was $ 42 billion. In 2018, the global online betting industry will pass a major milestone in terms of revenues of $ 50 billion. By 2020, the industry is expected to grow to $ 60 billion. The global online gambling market is expected to reach $ 97
billion by the end of 2024, which is 11% of CAGR.
billion by the end of 2024, which is 11% of CAGR.
The online betting game industry has some big problems. Gambling Prices are a big problem. The price of individual gambling is due to user friendly rules: large house edge is 1% -15%, money deposit / withdrawal fees, and delay of withdrawal 2-3 days. Lack of transparency online Game betting is another big problem. There is no way to know what is happening inside the casino server and how the mechanism is programmed. All systems can be easily rigged.
The Jubilee goal is to utilize the market with the deployment of innovative, fair, and transparent solutions to meet the rapidly growing online demand for betting games. Potential income and profits from online betting games are huge.
Using Ethereum's smart contract, we can have a low price per bet or bet and solve transparency issues. Random numbers and payments can be ordered by smart contracts that are fully public and implemented on an Ethereum blockchain.
Yobet aims to launch a game gambling ecosystem with transparent and zero edge online betting games selected.
Jubilee has a healthy business model. Jubilee will benefit in two major ways. We will get results from an imperfect player game. Blackjack and Poker are a game of skill and luck. If a player makes a perfect decision, they will do it to reach the 0% edge. On average, however, a player makes a mistake; so that will happen give us 0.8% tip. This 0.8% will be obtained from the money at stake. Sports betting is about connecting players who bet against each other and take facilitation fees to manage the process.
With the introduction of the Yobet token (Yo) as a cryptocurrency, the Yobet will be uniquely positioned to use tokens in combination with its online ecosystem betting game to solve problems inhibiting the online game betting industry.
Jubilee tokens ( Yobet ) are cryptocurrency tokens based on blockchain technology. The Yobet Token is built on the Ethereum blockchain. The ERC-20 Standard allows the Jubilee to work immediately with all applications in accordance with the standards, which means that every digital currency wallet can hold a Jubilee. The Jubilee Token will function as a currency in the game's Yobet bet game.
Blockchain Gambling Games

Jubilee will give players all their information and transactions, provide guarantees of fair and demonstrable operations. In addition, players will receive direct payments, greatly improving the game. We guarantee that there will be no lag in games or problems when players play games.

Real bonus





Crypto payments

Industry Overview and Market
Games Online betting games : Present Trends and Future Scenarios
Games Online betting games : Present Trends and Future Scenarios
The online betting game industry is a highly valuable and high growth industry in the world. Demand for online betting games has accelerated speed throughout the world, especially in developed countries such as the United States. Various sectors in the online betting industry are recording high growth.
Online games, or gambling, are betting on something valuable, usually money, on the results of events or games using the internet. Online gaming includes activities like poker, casinos (where people can play traditional casino games, such as roulette or blackjack, but online), sports betting, bingo and lotteries.
This online betting game industry phenomenon is underlined by data related to Global estimates as illustrated in the chart below:

The online betting game industry is currently one of the most dynamic and high growth industries in the world. The market for digital and online games is growing very fast. In 2016, the global online betting
game industry revenue was $ 42 billion. In 2018, the global online betting game industry will pass a major milestone in terms of revenue of $ 50 billion. By 2020, the industry is expected to grow to $ 60 billion.
game industry revenue was $ 42 billion. In 2018, the global online betting game industry will pass a major milestone in terms of revenue of $ 50 billion. By 2020, the industry is expected to grow to $ 60 billion.
Most betting games today use Fiat or virtual currency at betting exchanges. This is a traditional practice in the form of casino games. The Strength of this casino currency form is easy to calculate the betting rate, which has long been established in the world. However, it must happen to admit that it depends on a lot of financial evidence, depends on the bank and the player's profit margin only comes from an increase in the amount.
Jubilee will provide the following benefits:
- Maximum transparency and fairness for the online betting game Jubilee players and users. This is confirmed because it is based on the Ethereum Smart Contract.
- The Yobet online betting game will bring together players who want a fairer and more transparent online gaming industry and want to support creation.
- Online jubilee betting players will believe that casinos will not deceive them, because Jubilee will make enough rules to ensure full transparency and fairness.
- Bankroll's Jubilee online betting game will be formed by Jubilee on fair rules.
- The Jubilee token holder can access the Yobet online betting game and play available online games.
- Yobet online betting games will provide players with 0% edge based on the Ethereum blockchain.
- The online game Yobet will have a strong competitive advantage (0% margin, fairness, transparency) to increase its market share in order to become a profitable and sustainable business.
- Game online betting Yobet can provide many gambling games (BlackJack, Poker, Dice and Sports Betting).
- YOBET will arrange guidelines and discussions about Jubilee games for the community.
- Integrate the chat box.
- We will only focus on the types of gaming bets and always bring to the most creative players, the hottest games in the world.
- We bring players to the highest level of transparency and justice. Each statistic will be reported every month.
The way the Ecotourism Ecosystem works:

Vision and mission
Yobet is one of the innovative companies that has become the pioneer of their vision and actions. Jubilee is supported by a brilliant executive team with extraordinary knowledge, track record and direct experience of the online betting, game blockchain and technology industry.
Jubilee has felt a number of problems in the online betting industry game as well as the cryptocurrency space as it is and functions in presenting. Current problems require some innovative solutions with out-of-the-box thinking.
Jubilee will provide one of the fairest, most transparent, and world friendly ecosystems of online betting games; where gamers can entertain and enjoy themselves with unparalleled experiences and beyond the world of fun moments.
The Jubilee Vision is creating the most exciting, entertaining, and useful online betting game facilities in the world, based on the latest and latest art technology. The company will implement cutting-edge technology
and continuous innovation to attract and enrich the experience for online betting gamers.
and continuous innovation to attract and enrich the experience for online betting gamers.
Business model
Jubilee will be a profitable business even after offering a 0% house edge. This is because of faulty players and games that are not perfect, and 'criminals and' difference gamblers. Gambler Prison adds extra profits to the casino.
Some casino games combine luck and skill. Therefore, the edge of the house depends on the skill of the player. Average players don't play perfect games and they make mistakes. On average, normal players make errors that are around 1% to 1.5%. Thus, the average player gives an opportunity to go home.
Yobet (Yo) Token
Jubilee tokens (Yobet) are cryptocurrency tokens based on blockchain technology. The Yobet Token is built on the Ethereum blockchain. The Jubilee Token will function as a currency in the betting tournament. Jubilee also allows people to invest profitably and produce it safely again. With the value of the Jubilee Token based on the value in the Yobet game betting ecosystem, the investors who buy the Jubilee token will be protected with more stable prices.
- Name of Token: Yobet
- Symbol: Yo
- Type: Ethereum
- Technology: ERC-20
- Total Supply: 3 billion
- Circulating Supply: 66%
Of the total supply of 3 billion Yo tokens, the outstanding inventory will be 66% of the total tokens. Total circulation supply consists of 50% of the total tokens on the gaming site, 8% of the total tokens used for airstrips & bounties, and 8% of the total tokens used for marketing.
Token Allocation:
The Jubilee will have the following token allocations:

Of the total 3 billion Yo token supply, 50% will be 1.5 billion allocated to the Game Fund. The total Game Fund consists of 45% of the total tokens on the game site, and 5% of the total tokens in the game and game building.
8% of the jubilee token, 700 million tokens will be allocated and used for airplanes.
8% of the jubilee token, 700 million tokens will be allocated and used for airplanes.
Total Tokens:
Allocation of Tokens (Numbers)
Game Fund: 1,500,000,000
Investors: 900,000,000
Airdrop & Bounty: 240,000,000
Marketing: 240,000,000
Dev Team: 120,000,000
TOTAL: 3,000,000,000
Investors: 900,000,000
Airdrop & Bounty: 240,000,000
Marketing: 240,000,000
Dev Team: 120,000,000
TOTAL: 3,000,000,000
Crowdsale and Airdrop
The jubilee will do a crowdsale and airdrop from the jubilee token to place the circulating tokens. This will help and facilitate users, investors and online betting game players. Crowdsale will ensure that investors get 30% of the total jubilee tokens allocated to investors.
Jubilee planned a large amount of water from the Yo token. That airdrop will be 2% of the total supply of jubilee jars, 60 million jubilee tokens will be used to remove water from the total supply of the 3 billion token token tokens. The airdrop will start at the end of Q2 2018.
The prominent features of the Jubilee air sign tokens are:
- Airdrop 5000 Yo ~ 25 $
- Unlock the token: After 2 months
- REF: 15% direct bonus
Airdrop task
The main task of the Jubilee sign air ticket is:
- List
- Mission
- Full name
- ETH wallet
- Telegram users
- Join tele-chat
- Join tele-channels like twitter, retweet, like videos on YouTube
Jubilee has the following road maps and milestones for the future:

For more detailed information about our ICO, you can also visit our website address below, from me and thank you:
- Website : https://yobet.io
- Whitepaper : https://yobet.io/static/pdf/Yobet%20Whitepaper.pdf
- Telegram : https://t.me/YobetCommunity
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/Yobet_io
- ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4738020.0
- Media : https://medium.com/yobet-io
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Yobetio-248676502357402
Author Article : Boyambon07
ETH : 0xE4Dcb7142A7fB9E3090059B69CedfEb88B2D2690
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