What is SETHER
Sether opens blockchain to marketers everywhere, using tools that were not previously available - Smart Contracts. They bring transparency, so it can be trusted, but isolated from social networking. Sether brings social networking data, analyzed intelligently, into smart contracts. Integrating intelligent contracts into your marketing strategy offers your business powerful, transparent high-powered advertising engine, giving your clients new ways to interact with your brand while cutting monitoring and monitoring costs at the same time.
SETHER will allow developers to create new service chains that fully leverage the information available on social networks: bonus campaigns, loyalty programs, customer targeting, referral programs, pool discounts, action proofs, etc.
This is an unfair world where everyone bends or breaks the rules. There is no doubt that the attention received by the Efirium unit is due to its increasing appeal to decentralize services and applications. Benefits of blockchain also have disadvantages for any company: it blocks access to social networks, burning fuel components for any business, inside or outside the notebook. The success of a market market depends on its availability.
This led to the creation of Sether, a blocking service that offers important access to social networks. The platform is currently under development, releasing an alpha version in January 2018.
Sether allows developers to create a new generation of blockchlin services that fully use the information available on social networks, campaigns with bonuses, loyalty programs, target clients, referral programs, coupons, and provide proof of action and open up many opportunities for expansion - many integral businesses in real world.
The developer sether has a large amount of data. MWARE also offers extensive data and solutions for Worldwide II through platforms like BigConnect and Sponge, using their experience in creating Sether. The result is a platform that not only provides integration with social networking APIs, but also provides customized analysis and monitoring capabilities for enterprise operations and chains. Users can run custom social network requests to get the desired information, search for impacts, see the reach of their messages, get observers notified when certain events occur and see mood for various social network objects like messages, messages, pages, events and more.
Platform sether
Sether will provide APIs that will be available to all developers on the block side. They intend to support the Ethereum network and test network, Bitcoin, Rootstock, personal networks based on Ethereum (such as Monax), and make their APIs available for non-binding applications. They will also release the Developer Console for developers to test their interface for Sether.
The platform will offer access to its API using the Monthly Fees model for use, but anyone can use the API and pay for every call if they wish. This meeting is very competitive, which should stimulate the company to use this service eyes wide open, for new business opportunities emerge, on and off blockchin
Sether is a blocking service that provides access to social networks for key chains. This allows them to create new service chains that fully utilize social networking information for bonus campaigns, loyalty programs, customer targeting, referral programs and coupons, as well as providing proof of marketing and action evidence and opening up many opportunities. to expand the business blockade in the real world.
Sether's goal was to remove the most important last barrier to chain growth: the coverage of social networks. With the help of services provided by any business, they can use smart contracts to manage their transactions, develop and understand their markets and simultaneously motivate their clients. Block Chain and great data analysis, a very lucrative game In addition to access to social networking, Sether also providing analytical capabilities and user-defined monitoring capabilities for business operations and chains. Users can initiate user-specified social networking requests to get the desired information, search for impacts, see the reach of their messages, create observers who will be notified of events that have occurred, and view the mood of various social network items such as messages, messages, pages, events and much more. All this will be the release of block business. SETH threads will be used for all platforms and transactions.
We use great data analysis, artificial intelligence and behavioral science to understand every individual in your audience, which lets you connect with them personally. We understand group behavior through community voice, enabling you to make holistic decisions.
The Innovation
The Constraints
The Need
The Solution
The Example
Customer Loyalty
Give discount and promotional offers to specific customers if they promote your product on social channels for example, if they twittet or posted about the last 5 items bought from your company, the automatically get a 15% discount on their next purchase. using a smart contract
Our commitment to SETHER
We are building Sether because we need it
this is how it happens This is the reason why we are committed to continue living regardless of the results of the ICO campaign So, there will be no soft-stamp, because the project will continue and will go into production Look forward to news and development opportunities, by following and subscribing to our channel on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.
Broad reach and best security measures
Production version will support:
- main blockchains and testnets
- off-blockchain app
- all popular networks: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Google Plus, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, YouTube, Pinterest and VKontakte
We are GDPR compliant SETHER uses Intel's latest innovations in hardware security to protect secret codes and data from disclosure or alteration. This technology is known as Intel SGX ( Software Guard eXtensions ).
The pre-ICO will stop at 11,000,000 sold tokens 1 SETH = 0.003 ETH
Hard Cap: 33,000 ETH
The minimum contribution for pre-ICO :
- 0.1 ETH or BTC equivalent with a bonus of 40%
For information on the terms of the pre-sale please contact : Investor@sether.oi

SETH tokens are intended to be allocated as follows:
- 55% to be sold in the pre-ICO and ICO **
- 35% reserved by Sether to incentivize community, beta testers and strategic partners. Tokens will be diluted in 7% per year, during the next 5 years to support future steering of the project.
- 10% to be sold directly on the platform for service consumers. These tokens will be locked for 6 months after the end of the crowdsale
** Based on the results of the public sale, at the end of the ICO, a proportional amount of tokens will be minted for the Company and the Platform to keep the balance and prevent dilution. Therefore, the community will own 55%, the Company will own 35% and the Platform will own 10% of all minted tokens.
For more information you can also visit our website address below so from me and thank you :
- WHITEPAPER : https://www.sether.io/team-2
- WEBSITE : https://www.sether.io/
- TWITTER: https://twitter.com/setherplatform
- FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/setherplatform
- TELEGRAM: https://t.me/sethergroup
- YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5yq2RFc-BOovbPkv65L-sg
Author Article: Boyambon07
ETH: 0xE4Dcb7142A7fB9E3090059B69CedfEb88B2D2690
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